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    How to Not Suck at Your New Years Resolution

    January 7, 2022

January 7, 2022

How to Not Suck at Your New Years Resolution

If you want to reach your goal of weight loss (despite the time of year it is), there are a few simple rules you need to follow! Also, I am the utmost expert on reaching goals by any means, but this is what I have found to be true for me and my experiences, so I hope this helps!

1. Understand the difference between Action Goals and Outcome goals 

The gold at the end of the rainbow. Millions of dollars. 6 Pack abs. These are all common “outcome goals” that we look to bring into our lives. This differs from what I call “action goals”, the frequent habits or daily actions you chose to do in order to reach that outcome. It’s important to have both.

Set an outcome goal worth going after… something that excites you!

Then, find someone who is an expert in that field (someone who has already achieved the thing you want) via personal relationships, books, courses, trainings, etc…

and break that goal down into daily actions, or action goals.

2. Factor of 3

Let’s say your goal was lose 75lbs in 9 months. Take that 9 months and multiply it by 3 to 27 months.

Here’s why. When you finally do lay out the “perfect daily action goals” to reach your outcome, you aren’t going to be perfect. It’s going to take you time to have great adherence, 90%+, on those actions.

You’ll also have to change your plan. There will be bumps in the road and adjustments that you can’t account for ahead of time. Give yourself time.

3. Understand it won’t be easy. 

No matter what path you go down in life, you will always have problems. The path you chose will determine the problems you have. So, take a second to introspect on what problems you want to have. For example, you can chose to be a bit more tired because you lose a little bit extra sleep to make breakfast and get your workout in VS feeling tired because you are out of shape and not taking care of yourself.

RELATED:  How To Properly Wrap Your Wrists For Boxing

4. Watch this podcast

Coach Dusty and I did a podcast episode on this exact topic, and go much more into depth on how to stick to your daily goals and achieve your dream outcome! This is great to listen to in the car or in the shower when your mind isn’t occupied by anything else!

You can watch the podcast here: 

I hope you found this helpful!


Coach Hunter

P.S – If you need a little more help with your nutrition and workouts – or just need a little accountability… I have an Online Coaching Program that helps just with that. Email me at Hunter@HybridFitnessGym.com if you’re interested and we can talk to see if it could be a good fit for you!.



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