January 24, 2022
Cuddling Up In a Blanket with Ramen Noodles
The blowing cold wind off of the harbor is biting the uncovered skin on my face.
Snow, shooting downward from the sky, is accumulating into “dip n dots” on my mittens.
The year is 1999, I just turned 5, and I’m outside with my parents sledding down the small hill in our front yard.
Up and down the hill I go; my parents laughing and cheering to me.
“Wow! Good job Hunter!”
“Way to go! Want to go again”?
I repeat the cycle, tired by restricted movement of my snow suit… But determined to slide down the hill and go as far as I possibly can.
I will go farther than last time.
But, the longer we are outside, the cold starts to take it’s toll.
What started as so much fun, starts to slowly fade.
The chill of the cold is beginning to leak through my boots, and my fingers are going numb through my mittens.
It’s time to go inside and get warm.
My dad drags me on my sled by the thin rope attached to the long plastic blue sled he got me for my birthday.
I take off my boots outside of our door so I don’t track snow through the house, and run inside as quickly as I can to keep my toes from getting cold.
Squeezing out of my snow suit, I sprint to the the living room couch and throw my Winnie The Pooh Bed Cover All Around Me.
AHHH, finally warm again. I quickly transform into a human burrito, and poke my eyes out to see what journey Ash, Brock, and Misty are foregoing today on the television.
Before I know it, mom brings me a warm cup of Ramen, with one icecube in it to keep me from getting burnt.
Life is good again.
2 hours later, I BEG my parents to bring me back out.
Sometimes, all we need is a break and a warm cup of Ramen to be ready to give it our all again.
Time away from the “grind” and rat race is not being lazy, it is being productive.
Step away from your regular routine, and you will find clarity…
…and realize the cold wind and snow (the stresses of life) are more easily solvable than you thought when you were in the midst of the storm.
Have a great day,
Coach Hunter
If you can’t take a day or two away from your normal routine, even an hour can help you find clarity and slow things down. Yoga helps me do that. We just added 12 new yoga classes at Hybrid Fitness -> Check them out here! https://joinhybridfitness.com/yoga-and-pilates

Hunter grew up using fitness as a way to boost his low self-esteem. This led him to later found Hybrid Fitness in 2014, where him and his team create a fun, safe training environment for busy adults looking to better their health without doing crazy crash diets or excessive burpees.
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